“Go ahead, bring food, work hard”, ordered the Queen ant.
A bitter cold morning, while the soldier and worker ants marched out the nest, the youngest members of the colony attended their building classes. However, little Red Ant decided to be absent that day. She thought that it could be more useful to help her community.
Since she considered herself the fastest and the cleverest, she started her mission. She was determined to empty the underground chamber before the other members arrived home exhausted.
“The Queen will be proud of me! We need to be prepared to welcome the hundreds of babies she will lay” said little Red Ant. And without a stop she took every seed out of the nest.
When she was resting on her bed to recover after so hard work, the Queen appeared. “Where have you been?...your teacher has been waiting for you for ages!”, she complained angrily. Little Red Ant smiled quietly and took the Queen to the tidy chamber. “No!...You’ve got rid of all our stocked material!”, shouted the Queen. “What’s wrong with that?” said little Red Ant. “It makes room for new people”, she added innocently.
Haha, so nice!