“Two Greedy Bears” by Mirra Ginsburg is a children´s book which tells the story of two furry bears in their way to search the world. While they do so, greed will make a huge impact on their friendship. And the appearance of a mischievous fox causes them the greatest difficulties of all.The tale is amusing and educative and as the reader turns the pages anxiety about what would happen next is inevitable.
The story begins with the two furry bears going out to search the world. Subsequently, they come across first a brook and then a big cheese. When they start quarreling about who has had more and who has had less water from the brook, the only thing they get are terrible stomach aches. After that, the desire for more food and drink starts to have a harmful effect on them. As soon as they find the big cheese, the fox comes up from the bushes and takes advantage of their ambition. She will show them the worst side of greed by playing an ingenious trick.
The tale is excellent with episodes which are both humorous and entertaining and retains the reader´s interest throughout. Regarding the writing style, it can be said that it goes straight to the point because all the sentences have been carefully selected to achieve the difficult aim of catching the attention of kids. And as a result, the plot is easily understandable by such hard audience as kids are.
“Two Greedy Bears” is well worth reading, if your kids enjoy children literature. It can teach them about fair play or lack of it in friendship and also the fact that sharing is the most powerful value when it comes to friendship. It also provides a welcome break from all the coursebooks and homework children have at school,they will certainly thank you. For all these reason, it is highly recommended.
Alejandro Tachile and Julio Servin
Nice book if we have to work with values. Good job!!!